What we did

Identity, Social, Landing Page


Lighthouse Labs



The [Dev]tectives

Put your digital detective skills to the test and win big!

This isn't your average scavenger hunt...


The [Dev]tectives

The DevTectives is a scavenger hunt + sweepstakes contest that our creative team developed at Lighthouse Labs.

The challenge was to pike interest in people with some coding background and drive them through a digital scavenger hunt. Clues and answers were scattered across our website and even hidden within the pages' code.

I had the pleasure of leading the creative team with the name, lockup, identity, social media collaterals (organic and paid) and landing page design. Keeping it fun and engaging while still adhering to the parent brand's style and colours.

The campaign was successful from a ROI perspective, with less than $3,500 ad spend it generated almost $100,000 in net new revenue.

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